Fogón Cocina Mexicana, Welcome!

I’ve been eyeing that spot on Pine for years. You know, the one that seems to be a bit cursed. The one that used to be KiKi’s and a bar before that. It’s been three eateries within my 2 1/2 years of being here. It’s also a tough spot. There are already so many great spots in Cap Hill. And really, did we need another Asian fusion place on Cap Hill (Lookin’ at you KiKi’s)? What we did need was a good Mexican place.

Meet Fogón Cocina Mexicana!

Chicken mole @ Fogón Cocina Mexicana

The complimentary salad: thumbs up.
Rice and Beans: thumbs up.
Alcohol selection: thumbs up.
Frosty glass for my Pacifico: thumbs up!
Tortillas: thumbs up! (they really are homemade!)
Chicken: thumbs up.
Mole sauce: tasty.
Together: Meh.

I’m hoping I ordered the wrong dish. It’s not that it was bad but it didn’t taste like they had been marinating together. They tasted like they met 5 minutes ago.  It was surprising considering everything else was perfect! The waiters were attentive AND they were very open to suggestions/criticism.

They have great reviews on Yelp so I’m assuming it was maybe the wrong day, wrong dish. We’ll see. But the service was fantastic and I’m really excited for them to thrive. It’s the perfect piece to that spot of Pine St.  They’ve got a fantastic Happy Hour PLUS they’re doing awesome things like broadcasting the Presidential debate next Tuesday! FTW! Viva Fogón Cocina Mexicana!

Oh and in case you were wondering,
the flan was PERFECTO! I was really pleased!
Definitely homemade.

Flan @ Fogón Cocina Mexicana

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